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CAAG – Czech Association of Geophysicists
Charles University, Faculty of Science
Department of Geophysics
Albertov 6
128 43 Praha 2
Czech Republic
EGRSE Journal - Issue 2019/2
ISSN 1805-2266 holds for on-line edition. ISSN 1803-1447 holds for CD-ROM carrier
Preparation of mining in Dargov quarry from the view point of seismic effects of blasting works on the road and supporting wall
Typical sources of vibration generated by geotechnical works
Seismo-acoustic effects of fractures in rock samples
Method of the controlled current regulation – the surface records
Some knowledge focused on the polyethylene imitators used for the neutron well-logging methods
The basic statistical characteristics of a neutron source and their influence on the neutron characteristics of rocks
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