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CAAG – Czech Association of Geophysicists
Charles University, Faculty of Science
Department of Geophysics
Albertov 6
128 43 Praha 2
Czech Republic
EGRSE Journal - Issue 2020/2
ISSN 1805-2266 holds for on-line edition. ISSN 1803-1447 holds for CD-ROM carrier
Reduction of vibrations caused by blasting works in mitigating the negative effects on the environment
Optimization of the fresh rock fragmentation during bench blastings in the quarries
Spatial-temporal changes of land surface temperature in dependence on land cover, altitude and NDVI in selected areas of Czechia
Optimalization blasting operations in the quarry Sedlice in terms of meeting quality and safety requirements
The variability of influence range inside the rock mass and its impact on the forecasted deformation state
Theory and interpretation of magnetic logging
Allocated DOI-numbers
Instructions for authors