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CAAG – Czech Association of Geophysicists
Charles University, Faculty of Science
Department of Geophysics
Albertov 6
128 43 Praha 2
Czech Republic
EGRSE Journal - Issue 2015/2
ISSN 1805-2266 holds for on-line edition. ISSN 1803-1447 holds for CD-ROM carrier
Research on the influence of blasting on environment in the quarry Včeláře
Optimization of the impact of blasting on the environment in the vicinity of the Kučín guarry
Modeling of subsidence trough disturbances caused by fault activition
Scientific drilling in New Zealand: experience from the deep fault drilling project
Electrical resistivity measurements for waste dump characterization
Determination of stress tensor by the CCBO(M) method. Theory overview and practical use example
Instructions for authors