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CAAG – Czech Association of Geophysicists
Charles University, Faculty of Science
Department of Geophysics
Albertov 6
128 43 Praha 2
Czech Republic
EGRSE Journal - Issue 2014/1
ISSN 1805-2266 holds for on-line edition. ISSN 1803-1447 holds for CD-ROM carrier
The monitoring of induced seismicity by the network of seismic stations on surface area OKD, A.S.
Geoelectric methods in monitoring of undermind areas
The example of monitoring of open pit mines stability using laser scanning
New generation seismological datalogger BRS32-USB and its application in induced seismicity monitoring
Seismological monitoring network around geothermal boreholes in Litoměřice
Influence of temperature and moisture content variations of rock specimens on strain measurement on their surface
Determination of fundamental frequency of building and subsoil using spectral ratio mathods
Modeling of impact of soil properties on the peak oscillation velocity
Using of geophysical methods to searching of old boreholes
Instructions for authors